Starting off right

Eirene is Jed Chun's personal blog, hosted by Joy Is Found. It's a reflective blog that he started with the intention of finding joy and renewing his awe of God in his everyday life as well as the places and things that are around him. He explores a variety of topics in relation to faith such as food, mental health, travel and relationships.

The New Year always seems to bring about a bag of mixed emotions. For some it's just another day, for others a fresh start following some not-so-great experiences. It might be the end of a good thing or bring about a renewed sense excitement and optimism. Most years, I can't help but to feel all of those things at once. I feel like so much happens every year that it's hard to strictly categorize all of the past year of experiences into either generally positive or generally negative. However, this year is surprisingly different. Perhaps is the excitement that comes with the hopes of accomplishing something or maybe it's because I'm more hopeful that some big changes will be rolling around, but I am definitely feeling renewed and energized. It is hopefully going to be a year of change and I'm excited about what kinds of things God has in store for me. 

Downtown La Jolla. Camera: 700D Lens: Tokina 11-16mm Pro DXII

All that being said I can't think of many better ways to start off the New Year than with a group of your closest friends. A group of my college friends decided that it would be fun to rent a beach house and hang out for a few days and, given our busy schedules, the few days around the New Year were the only days that most of us had free.  Despite being stuck in a house full of loud people, I did get a chance to stop and reflect about some of the things that God has done and has been doing in my life over the last year and beyond. Funnily enough, those same loud and noisy people (among whom I am one of the loudest) are one of the reasons why I have to be in awe of God.

I think that one of the biggest blessings in my life over the past few years has been this group of people. We are vastly different and between us there is a broad spectrum of interests and personalities, but we have been able to maintain our friendships despite being scattered across the globe. However, I believe that this is definitely something that is beyond us. Left to our own devices, I'm sure that after college we would've just scooted along in life, yet something held us together. I think it really goes back to what brought us together in the first place: the desire to pursue Christ. I know that people have mixed opinions about para-church organizations, but speaking from personal experience - I don't know if I'd still be following Christ without it. It was here that I learned what God's transcendent love was and how it could bring the some of the most ragtag bunch of people together. I learned how He could take and transform people's ego-driven self-centeredness into a self-sacrificing love for people who are very much different from themselves. We joke sometimes about how if we had all met in high school we would have never been friends, but I think that just speaks more about how awesome God's love is. I could go into detail about how He has changed each one of their lives but those are their own stories to tell. 

Downtown La Jolla. Camera: 700D Lens: Tokina 11-16mm Pro DXII

Destination: Downtown La Jolla, San Diego
Travel tips:
1. Go to Oscar's Mexican Seafood
2. Get taco(s) at Oscar's Mexican Seafood  (I highly recommend the Taco Especial)
3. Parking is horrendous, try to park within a two block radius, the walk isn't too bad
4. There is a great view in the afternoon, bring a camera (or photographic memory)
5. The beach boardwalk area gets crowded, watch out for bikers/people on wheels

On the glorious splendor of your majesty,
and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.
— Psalm 145:5 (ESV)